Key strategies in the quest for Telematics 4.0 As in most emerging sectors, the boundaries of telematics will be quite fluid at first, then gradually harden. As the market matures, companies unsuccessful at forging strong partnerships with carmakers and other major players will have an increasingly difficult time staying in the space. Telematics business strategy variants Stakeholders to continuously evolve the business strategies in order to gain ownership of the end customers Pr Risk Reward o vider s who deliv er the har dw ar e , c ommunic ations and c on t en t t o cr e at e a s tr ong t elematic s c onnection: S t ak eholder s: c on t en t pr o vider s , t elec om oper at or s and aut omo tiv e supplier • s In fr as truct ur e and c on t en t p artner s Pr o vider s who o f f er specific v ehicle-independen t s ervic e s that ar e deliv er ed thr ough either bolt -on applianc e s or do wnlo Pr ad: oprie t ary End s ervic e s: v ehicle-independen t s ervic e s • na vigation De vic e c onnectivit y: t e ther ed s olution • and End c us t omer s: o f f er s s ervic e s t o bo th aft ermark e t and c armak er • s in f o t ainmen t S t ak eholder s: port able na vigation/ in f o t ainmen t de vic e manuf act ur er s , t elematic s plat f • orm s ervic e pr o vider and aut omo tiv e supplier s Pr o vider s who o f f er c on t en t , c ommunic ations , main t enanc e diagno s tic s and CRM s ervic e , pr ob ably thr ough a br o w s er-lik e in t erf ac e: End s ervic e s: bo th v ehicle-independen t and v ehicle-c en tric s ervic e s • C armak er De vic e c onnectivit y: embedded and In t egr at ed s olution • -br anded End c us t omer s: o f f er s s ervic e s t o c armak er s who then br and the s olution as their o • wn c onnectivit y S t ak eholder s: c armak er s in p artner ship with whit e label t elematic s plat f orm s ervic • e pr o vider and t elec om oper at or s Pr o vider s who o f f er similar s ervic e s f or the aft ermark e t , s ome what ligh t er on diagno s tic s , and include insur anc e t elematic s: Br anded End s ervic e s: bo th v ehicle-independen t and v ehicle-c en tric s ervic e s • aft ermark e t De vic e c onnectivit y: embedded and t e ther ed s olution • c onnectivit y End c us t omer s: o f f er s s ervic e s t o the v ehicle aft ermark e • t S t ak eholder s: insur anc e pr o vider s , t elematic s plat f orm s ervic e pr o vider and aut omo tiv • e supplier s Low Medium High

The Quest for Telematics 4.0 - Page 4 The Quest for Telematics 4.0 Page 3 Page 5