We brought the telematics value chain together at one table for an intensive discussion on topics currently shaping the sector. What are telematics Vehicle independent services Vehicle-centric services ]f\k]jna[]k7 Gf%\]eYf\ FYna_Ylagf KY^]lqYf\ gflafYdak Robert Bosch O]klÕ]d\ >gj\Eglgj;gehYfq Kqeh`gfqL]d][Y Wireless car ?]f]jYdEglgjk L]dal;geemfa[Ylagfk =QYmlgeglan]$afkmjYf[] Yf\l]d][gek][lgj[]fl]jk 4 | The quest for telematics 4.0

The Quest for Telematics 4.0. Dialog With the Value Chain - Page 4 The Quest for Telematics 4.0. Dialog With the Value Chain Page 3 Page 5