Executive summary 2 • Sustainable connected car business resource, and who will ultimately models: The need for a viable be responsible for its security? The business model is a top priority for all trade-off between insurers and OEMs is a stakeholders. For OEMs, the high cost key issue in this space. Instead of paying of embedding modules in their vehicles for the data they need, insurers need to must be justifi ed to the business. investigate what they can “give back” However, how can this be done when in exchange. Ultimately, the more data payback cycles are so long? And how can traffi c that fl ows in either direction, the dealerships be incentivized to push these more the entire ecosystem will benefi t. offerings at point of sale? Collaboration • Globalizing the connectivity holds the key, not just for OEMs, but ecosystem: To accelerate and maximize also for all participants, but this calls for ROI, stakeholders need to broaden the a reappraisal of previously protective scope of their offerings. How should they approaches. Relationships based on address the technical and regulatory mutual benefi t,or “co-opetition” will bear challenges that arise from globalization dividends, but more fl exibility is needed of connectivity, and what about tax? If before these can succeed. data is can be regarded as a service, is it • Creating a more open, less complex liable to tax? That will vary from country environment: As an enabler for this to country. Moreover, where tax must collaboration, open platforms will enable be paid, who should be liable? OEMs or stakeholders to jointly participate carriers? and innovate through an open-source • Focusing on the global/local approach. Above all, this will help Challenge: Regional deployments connectivity offerings to become simpler, have to take into account a wide more intuitive and consumer- focused. range of issues, from technology Connectivity technologies must become preferences and telecom protocols to smarter and capable of working local behavior and cultural differences. seamlessly across multiple devices. One-size-fi ts- all approaches are As well as helping to build momentum moribund. How can stakeholders adapt in the marketplace, this will provide their core engineering operations and new value creation opportunities. For how should connectivity strategies example, options to download and accommodate the resultant global/local install new content, perhaps through a issues that arise? Extensible platforms dedicated customer portal, will enable its will be vital and fl exibility will be a core monetization throughout its lifecycle. attribute. Furthermore, stakeholders • Addressing the data imperative: All will need in-depth local insight to build stakeholders recognize the primacy the best possible ecosystems in each of data in the connectivity equation. country/region. However, who should own this core TThe quehe quesst ft for tor telematics 4.0elematics 4.0 || 55