Considerations for stakeholders 7 Carmakers Telecom operators Motor insurers Service offerings • Integrate telematics offering with • Offer 4G/LTE connectivity • Develop an internal IT system to mobility solutions to support with high bandwidth services, leverage telematics-based intelligent transportation such as internet gaming, insurance data solutions videoconferencing, etc. for • Create attractive aftermarket • Build the cost of diagnostics passengers proposition to drive uptake in car and security services into the • Provide flexible data plans, such population on the road price of the new car, while as shared data plans or split • Offer specialized products for subscription model to be followed billing services fleets aimed at reducing the total in aftermarket • Focus on network security for cost of ownership • Focus on vehicle data, as well vehicle-related data as integration of data in the • Telematics service platform environment to offer end services either • Leverage other revenue directly to the customers or in streams, such as location-based collaboration with carmakers advertisements • Leverage data collection and • Integrate payment services within mining capabilities to support the vehicle (while ensuring data carmakers security) • Build telematics systems with enough capacity and performance to handle software upgrades Collaboration and • Partner with automotive suppliers • Partner with carmakers to offer • Collaborate with carmakers to partnerships to build open and scalable customer support services, such offer UBI based on integrated technology (HMI) as subscription management and connectivity solution • Collaborate with aftermarket charging and billing services channels for optimal utilization of • Partner with various sector vehicle data stakeholders to launch services in • Outsource non-core services, the aftermarket such as billing and subscription management 262626 | T| T| The quehe quehe quessst ft ft for tor tor telematics 4.0elematics 4.0elematics 4.0