Rinspeed “Budii” redefines human-machine interaction Reach out to robots The vision of autonomous driving will soon become a reality a steering column, however. In theory, it will make endless and will fundamentally change the interaction between man adjustment options possible: for example, during automated and automobiles. While the research centers of the automotive driving in the daily commute it parks the steering wheel in the industry are still feverishly working on the technical solutions, center with minimum space requirements or it serves as a table progressive thinkers such as the Swiss idea factory Rinspeed or attentive personal valet. This is made possible by the unique are already giving concrete thought to how automated private and multi-redundant “steer-by-wire” technology from Paravan. transport will transform the car and the man-machine system. Besides fundamental conceptual changes, this will also have For the automotive idea factory Rinspeed the robotic arm in to involve issues of ethics and society. “Budii” is a symbol and food for thought at the same time. Rinspeed-CEO Rinderknecht puts it as follows: “The autonomously In the past, the robots in the factories merely assembled driving car will require more than solving technical problems and cars for people. In the new “Budii” concept car from Swiss legal issues in the next two decades. We not only have to redefine automotive visionary Frank M. Rinderknecht, the machine the interaction of man and machine, but must also raise questions now literally reaches out to man: if the occupants of the about responsibility, tolerances and expectations.” According to autonomously driving electric vehicle feel like having some fun Rinderknecht, autonomous driving will undoubtedly offer the at the wheel on a twisty country road or off road, a robotic arm opportunity to make traffic more people-friendly and reduce will hand the steering wheel to the driver of front passenger as the number of traffic accidents worldwide. “But even the best desired, thereby transferring command. The sensitive 7-axis technology will not be perfect, albeit less prone to error than unit from Augsburg-based market leader is more than merely humans. That is something we will have to accept,” says 12 | Who’s in the driving seat?

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