4.Improving operational effi ciency There is a strong focus on data management and analytics initiatives to drive operational effi ciency; however, few are confi dent in their organizations abiity to execute. Data management and analytics initiatives Manufacturing-effi ciency-related initiatives Supply chain initiatives Deploying analytics The C-suite is focused The C-suite is prioritizing tools, and using real- on enhancing operating 86% optimizing low-cost time intelligence around 84% effi ciency of global country sourcing, 86% customers and the manufacturing and believe improving local-sourcing in believe improving supply chain to expedite believe improving enabling fl exible profi tability is the primary developed and emerging profi tability is the primary decision-making and profi tability is the primary production to adjust driver for implementing markets, and gaining driver for implementing devise new strategies, driver for implementing data to changing market initiatives related to greater visibility to supply chain initiatives but few appear to management and analytics realities. manufacturing operations ensure supply chain have the ability to initiatives security. Only execute. Standardizing/ Only optimizing IT process Only 12% and technology is also 16% feel well-prepared to a priority. 12% feel well-prepared to implement optimization feel well-prepared to implement manufacturing initiatives in their implement data effi ciency initiatives supply chain management and analytics initiatives of manufacturers selected optimizing of manufacturers selected low-cost selected data management and analytics 41% 25% country sourcing to improve profi tability 81% as key to improving operational effi ciency global manufacturing footprint to improve profi tability 1 in 3 of respondents selected Only 1 in 6 are well-prepared 20% of manufacturers selected localizing customer data analytics, supply chain in developed and emerging down from 56% a year ago of manufacturers selected fl exible markets to reduce logistics costs and 34% production systems to respond swiftly to benefi t from regional subsidies 63% of respondents selected IT and technology demand volatility process/platform optimization Suppliers are better prepared as compared to vehicle 1 in 7 are well-prepared Only manufacturers 10 | Changing lanes 2015-16 | The automotive C-suite’s agenda