F ocu s from . . . An\ia B eyond B ollywood: the diversity and richness of Indian cinema Cinema in India: a long- standing and “ B ollywood, ” “ K ollywood, ” Keq Õ_ures thriving cultural cornerstone “ T ollywood” : cinema is p lural S een as a “ cement of societ y ” b y former T h ou gh B olly w ood h as b ecome a b y w ord P rime M inist er J aw ah arlal N eh ru , cinema for Indian cinema, t h ere is more t o U S $ 3 . 6 b in India h as a formidab le t radit ion and t`e comntryÌk file indmktry t`an t`e \irect renenues3 h as long b een nou rish ed b y su pport ive effervescent H indi- langu age produ ct ion government policies. Cinema remains a center in EmeZai& Collyoood filek k`ot 1 8 4 , 0 0 0 popu lar act ivit y every Indian can afford: in Ch ennai in t h e T amil langu age are open air and indoor cinemas are fou nd nearly as nu merou s, as are T olly w ood \irect bobs across t h e su b - cont inent , from t raveling filek froe t`e Lolly_mn_e ktmdiok at cinemas t o single- screen cinemas ( for K olk at a, mainly script ed in B engali. E ach u p t o 9 0 0 people) and t ech nologically - center hrodmcek *(( to +(( filek a year$ advanced mu lt iplex es in b ig cit ies. generat ing an ou t pu t t h at mak es t h e Lgh )( bgp g^fice eajcels if T h ou gh t h ere are no rest rict ions on Andian file indmktry t`e oorldÌk lar_ekt Zy 2 0 1 4 ( U S $ b) iehortk$ locally eade filek doeinate t`e produ ct ion nu mb ers, ah ead of N olly w ood mark et . and H olly w ood. U S / Canada )(&, :etoeen 1( and 1- of filek releaked :ollyoood filek are$ `ooever$ t`e eokt China ,&0 are Indian. O fferings range from t h e ex port ab le. T h ey are very popu lar in mast erfu l art - h ou se w ork of S at y aj it 9kia%Hacific comntriek$ inclmdin_ Kri J ap an *&( R ay t o modern- day comedies su ch as Lank a, B angladesh , N epal and P ak ist an,

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