C omp anies are looking • Push communications such as SMS and emails are no longer used for standardized mass market f or new C RM cap ab ilities communication but tailored through targeting and/ to enab le more or customer scoring. • For high value interactions, Customer Care Agents p ersonaliz ation and need to have access to the customer’s background and profile as well as to share a common “culture”. contact initiation • Data analytics enable customer contacts to be predicted and initiated proactively. 9 . D ata analy tics w ill b e at th e h eart of f uture customer relationsh ip s, allow ing comp anies to p rov ide a p ersonaliz ed contact and v alue p rop osition. • Automation technologies developed to deflect calls and low value interactions will be improved with predictive approaches and semantic analysis. “When confronted with complex situations, ‘once • Real-time marketing and Data Management and done’ is far higher if you call a customer back Platforms (DMP) enable websites to be personalized than if you answer by email”. in response to cookies and the browsing history of R etail distributor customers. C ase study : Data analy tics is a huge challenge for F rench companies. 45% 18% of F rench companies acknow ledge A re currently deploy ing that they underuse plans to make use of B ig Data the customer data they collect Sources: EY Analysis O ff- site Customer R elationship S tudy | J anuary 2 016 11

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