Pharma Business CASE®̶Commercial Analytics Suite

Pharma Business CASE® ̶ Commercial Analytics Suite Built for pharma. End-to-end commercial suite of value-driven analytics that drive tangible ROI through advanced, actionable insights Actionable insights End-to-end commercial suite of global analytics that drive tangible ROI through advanced, actionable insights Business focused Tailored solutions that start with the business needs at hand across the commercial value chain Digital – mobile – cloud Insights that are digitally enabled, cloud-based, and accessible from anywhere Helping biopharma companies with … Sales Marketing Market access ► Win on pull-through with less ► Capitalize on the shift away from ► Build an effective strategy to access and limited influence push and sell and toward maximize ROI and reduce leakage ► Specialize and localize execution coordinated marketing ► Optimize managed markets tactics to perform within different ► Optimize customer reach through operations and payor alignment markets and geographies the right channels at the right time © 2016 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved. EYG No. FN0211. For more information, please visit the EY CASE® website at

Pharma BusinessCASE® ̶ Commercial Analytics Suite Driving measurable increase in commercial profitability through actionable business insights Deep commercial insights Delivered through EY’s CASE® Insights as a Service (IaaS) Internal, third- ® EY CASE® Outcomes- party and client CASE proprietary based Patient data data mart analytics (IaaS) results wellness Patient Sales force demographics optimization analysis Multi-channel Rebates/ optimization co-pay optimization Product launch strategy Real Patient Product business sentiment Customer insights Commercial analysis loyalty Deep real-world industry knowledge and experience leakage reducation Payor Provider Competitive landscape Health care analysis Payor segmentation practitioner Actionable business insights Campaign and promotion Pricing Dynamic customer optimization segmentation Commercial profitability optimization Improved Investment in commercial analytics profitability © 2016 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved. EYG No. FN0211. For more information, please visit the EY CASE® website at