The Future of Aerospace

THE FUTURE OF AEROSPACE SKY’S THE LIMIT: NEW FRONTIERS IN CIVIL AND MILITARY FLIGHT APRIL 9TH 2015, CERCLE DE L’UNION INTERALLIEE, PARIS #aerospacesummit2015 HEAR FROM EXPERT SPEAKERS INCLUDING Yann Barbaux Jim Simpson Nelson Salgado Senior Vice-president Vice-president, Business Vice-president Innovation Development and Chief Strategist Institutional Relations and Airbus Network & Space Systems Sustainability Boeing Embraer James Hogan Karl Ulrich Garnadt Tony Wood President and Member of the Executive Board President, Aerospace Chief Executive Officer Deutsche Lufthansa AG Rolls Royce Etihad Airways Chief Executive Officer Lufthansa German Airlines GOLD SPONSORS:

The Future of Aerospace | Our expert speakers April 9th 2015, Cercle de l’Union Interalliée, Paris MODERATOR Simon Wright Marcus Bryson Industry Editor Chief Executive Aerospace and Landsystems Aerospace The Economist GKN UNITED KINGDOM SPEAKERS Augustin de Romanet Brian Pearce Chief Executive Officer Chief Economist Aéroports de Paris IATA FRANCE INTERNATIONAL Yann Barbaux Boubacar Djibo Senior Vice-president Innovation Director, Air Transport Bureau Airbus ICAO EUROPE INTERNATIONAL Jim Simpson Frédéric Michelland Vice-president, Business Development and Chief Executive Officer Chief Strategist, Network & Space Systems Latécoère Boeing FRANCE USA Ross Mitchell Karl Ulrich Garnadt Vice-president Member of the Executive Board Business Acquisition Commercial Aircraft Deutsche Lufthansa AG Bombardier Chief Executive Officer CANADA Lufthansa German Airlines GERMANY Michel Tellier Patrick Auroy Assistant Secretary General for Defence Vice-president Aerospace & Defense Industry Investment Dassault Systemes NATO FRANCE INTERNATIONAL Nelson Salgado Bjørn Kjos Vice-president Chief Executive Officer Institutional Relations and Sustainability Norwegian Air Shuttle Embraer NORWAY BRAZIL James Hogan Tony Wood President and Chief Executive Officer President, Aerospace Etihad Airways Rolls Royce UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM Margus Rahuoja Temel Kotil Director for Aviation and International Chief Executive Officer Transport Affairs, DG MOVE Turkish Airlines European Commission TURKEY EUROPE Nour-Eddine Zanouda Register before February 6th 2015 Aerospace and Defense leading Partner – and save €200. France, Maghreb and Luxemburg Visit us online at EY FRANCE

The Future of Aerospace | About the event April 9th 2015, Cercle de l’Union Interalliée, Paris The aerospace industry is changing, and fast. The number of passengers 1 is booming and should reach 7.3 billion people by 2034 . Order books are taking off. The Middle-East and Asia are fuelling much of this demand, but are WHY also emerging as serious challengers to the traditional US/Europe duopoly. Be it airlines or aerospace and defense manufacturers, new entrants have THE FUTURE OF joined the fray, forcing traditional players to rethink their business models. The second Future of Aerospace Summit will gather over 100 key policymakers AEROSPACE? and leading executives from across the board, from airlines to aircraft and engine manufacturers, to discuss the future of flight. JOIN US TO DISCUSS • How to build seamless supply chains across the industry • Finding growth in lean, green and low-cost fleets: will we be flying without fuel? • Declining government defense spending—and how the industry is adapting business models • Innovations between the cockpit and control tower: will air traffic be controlled remotely? • Private investment, drones, satellites and the space race OUR AEROSPACE EVENT IN 2013 “ Inspiring” President, SKF Aerospace “ Great networking.” Vice-president, Strategy and International, Bombardier “ The panel of speakers was very good – the whole value chain of aerospace was covered” Strategy and Business Development, Airbus 100+ 70% attendees joined of audience members were the event. director-level or above. 14 countries represented including France, India, the Netherlands, Qatar and Russia. 1: Global Passenger Forecast report, October 2014, IATA in partnership with Tourism Economics

The Future of Aerospace | The agenda April 9th 2015, Cercle de l’Union Interalliée, Paris 8.30 REGISTRATION 9.00 CHAIR’S WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKS ➤ Simon Wright, Industry Editor, The Economist 9.15 INSIGHT: European Single Sky, global regulation and growth in the aviation industry ➤ Margus Rahuoja, Director for Aviation and International Transport Affairs, DG MOVE, European Commission ➤ Boubacar Djibo, Director, Air Transport Bureau, ICAO 9.45 EXPERT PANEL: Today’s airlines and tomorrow’s business models Despite the growth of the industry and the increasing number of passengers, airlines do not come close to returning the cost of capital, with profit margins of less than 1% on average. Traditional airlines are caught between Middle Eastern challengers for long-haul flights and low-cost carriers on short-haul flights. Where can airlines find growth? ➤ James Hogan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Etihad Airways ➤ Brian Pearce, Chief Economist, IATA ➤ Karl Ulrich Garnadt, Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Lufthansa AG and Chief Executive Officer, Lufthansa German Airlines ➤ Bjørn Kjos, Chief Executive Officer, Norwegian Air Shuttle 10.45 NETWORKING BREAK The future of travel - enhancing the travel experience 11.15 INTERVIEW: How far can the check-in process be automated? How to integrate new technologies—biometric IDs, wave-of-the-phone technologies and RFID tags—into a continuous chain? How to assess the efficiency and cost-benefit ratio of new systems? How will tickets be sold? Will passengers be able to design their own flights? ➤ Augustin de Romanet, Chief Executive Officer, Aéroports de Paris ➤ Temel Kotil, Chief Executive Officer, Turkish Airlines 11.50 FOCUS: Flying without fuel? Finding growth in lean, green and cost-effective fleets Manufacturers and airlines must decrease the fuel burden and increase efficiency to reduce costs. What are the latest innovations for lighter, more efficient aircraft? What are the current market trends? How will events in the Middle East, Africa and Russia affect fuel prices? ➤ Ross Mitchell, Vice-president, Business Acquisition Commercial Aircraft, Bombardier 12.25 LUNCH Rethinking tomorrow’s aerospace and defense industry 14.00 EXPERT PANEL: The competitive landscape for A&D companies is changing. Demand is increasingly global and driven by the Middle-East. Revenues are in decline as governments slash funding and banks curb lending. A&D companies must innovate and diversify or disappear. What new business models are emerging? How will technologies such as drones bridge the gap between civil and military activities? How to innovate and maintain R&D budgets? Which new financing instruments can the industry turn to? ➤ Introduction by: Nour-Eddine Zanouda, Aerospace and Defense leading Partner – France, Maghreb and Luxemburg, EY ➤ Nelson Salgado, Vice-president of Institutional Relations and Sustainability, Embraer ➤ Patrick Auroy, Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment, NATO ➤ Tony Wood, President, Aerospace, Rolls Royce 15.00 SPEECH: The sky’s the limit - what innovation in aviation will look like in 2020 ➤ Yann Barbaux, Senior Vice-president Innovation, Airbus 15.15 COFFEE BREAK Building seamless supply chains in a complex global environment 15.45 EXPERT PANEL: As order books take off simultaneously, suppliers face capacity constraints and cost pressures. What will tomorrow’s supply chain look like? Will investments keep up with growth plans? How can risks be managed across the chain? To what extent can technology transfers take place without stakeholders letting go of their competitive advantages? ➤ Michel Tellier, Vice-president Aerospace & Defense Industry, Dassault Systemes ➤ Marcus Bryson, Chief Executive Aerospace and Landsystems, GKN Aerospace ➤ Frédéric Michelland, Chief Executive Officer, Latécoère 16.30 INTERVIEW: Space oddity - Space, satellites and private investment Once reserved exclusively to government space agencies competing for power and prestige, private companies are now the ones sending satellites into space. How can the industry collaborate with governments, telecoms and internet providers? How to make rockets and launches cheaper—and can rockets be reused? Who should clean up space junk? ➤ Jim Simpson, Vice-president, Business Development and Chief Strategist, Network & Space Systems, Boeing 16.45 CLOSING KEYNOTE ADDRESS 17.00 CHAIR’S CLOSING REMARKS

The Future of Aerospace | Programme en français 9 avril 2015, Cercle de l’Union Interalliée, Paris 8.30 ACCUEIL DES PARTICIPANTS 9.00 INTRODUCTION DU PRESIDENT DE SEANCE ➤ Simon Wright, Industry Editor, The Economist 9.15 OUVERTURE : Directive Single Sky, réglementation internationale et croissance du secteur aéronautique ➤ Margus Rahuoja, Director for Aviation and International Transport Affairs, DG MOVE, European Commission ➤ Boubacar Djibo, Director, Air Transport Bureau, ICAO 9.45 PANEL : Les compagnies aériennes d’aujourd’hui et les business models de demain Malgré la forte croissance de l’industrie et du nombre de passagers, les compagnies aériennes parviennent difficilement à assurer des marges supérieures à 1%. Les compagnies aériennes du Moyen-Orient bousculent le marché du long-courrier, alors que les low-costs se sont imposées sur le court-courrier. Comment répondre à ces défis et créer de la croissance ? ➤ James Hogan, President and Chief Executive Officer, Etihad Airways ➤ Brian Pearce, Chief Economist, IATA ➤ Karl Ulrich Garnadt, Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Lufthansa AG and Chief Executive Officer, Lufthansa German Airlines ➤ Bjørn Kjos, Chief Executive Officer, Norwegian Air Shuttle 10.45 PAUSE NETWORKING 11.15 INTERVIEW : Améliorer l’expérience passager en repensant la façon de voyager Jusqu’où le processus d’enregistrement peut-il être automatisé ? Comment intégrer les nouvelles technologies—passeports biométriques, étiquettes RFID…—dans une chaîne continue ? Comment évaluer l’efficacité et le ROI de tels systèmes ? Le passager de demain pourra-t-il concevoir son propre vol ? ➤ Augustin de Romanet, Chief Executive Officer, Aéroports de Paris ➤ Temel Kotil, Chief Executive Officer, Turkish Airlines 11.50 FOCUS : Voler sans fuel ? Zoom sur une aviation verte et économique Avionneurs et compagnies aériennes doivent développer des avions plus efficaces afin d’en diminuer le poids et les coûts. Quelles sont les dernières innovations permettant de construire des avions plus légers et efficaces ? Quelles sont les dernières tendances du marché ? Quel sera l’impact des évènements au Moyen-Orient, en Afrique et en Russie sur les prix du pétrole ? ➤ Ross Mitchell, Vice-president, Business Acquisition Commercial Aircraft, Bombardier 12.25 LUNCH 14.00 PANEL : Repenser l’industrie aérospatiale et de la défense Le marché de l’aérospatial et de la défense est chamboulé : la demande est mondialisée et poussée par le Moyen-Orient, les gouvernements coupent les budgets, et les banques accordent moins de prêts. Quels nouveaux business models émergent face à cet impératif d’innovation et de diversification ? Les technologies telles que les drones réduiront-elles le fossé entre activités civiles et militaires ? Quels sont les nouveaux instruments de financement ? ➤ Introduction par : Nour-Eddine Zanouda, Aerospace and Defense leading Partner – France, Maghreb and Luxemburg, EY ➤ Nelson Salgado, Vice-president of Institutional Relations and Sustainability, Embraer ➤ Patrick Auroy, Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment, NATO ➤ Tony Wood, President, Aerospace, Rolls Royce L’innovation dans l’aviation en 2020 15.00 DISCOURS : ➤ Yann Barbaux, Senior Vice-president Innovation, Airbus 15.15 PAUSE CAFE 15.45 PANEL : Construire des supply chains sans failles dans un environnement global complexe Alors que les carnets de commandes explosent, les fournisseurs font face à des contraintes de capacité et de coûts. Quel sera le nouveau visage de la supply chain de demain ? L’investissement pourra-t-il tenir le rythme de la croissance ? Comment limiter les risques à chaque étape de la supply chain ? Comment préserver son avantage compétitif alors qu’un certain nombre de transferts de technologies sont également nécessaires ? ➤ Michel Tellier, Vice-president Aerospace & Defense Industry, Dassault Systemes ➤ Marcus Bryson, Chief Executive Aerospace and Landsystems, GKN Aerospace ➤ Frédéric Michelland, Chief Executive Officer, Latécoère 16.30 ZOOM : L’espace, les satellites, et l’investissement privé Longtemps réservée aux Etats en quête de pouvoir et de prestige, la conquête de l’espace relève maintenant du secteur privé : c’est lui qui envoi les satellites en orbite. Quelles collaborations avec les gouvernements, les fournisseurs d’internet et le secteur des télécommunications ? Les fusées peuvent-elle être réutilisées ? Qui se chargera de nettoyer l’espace pollué par les débris ? ➤ Jim Simpson, Vice-president, Business Development and Chief Strategist, Network & Space Systems, Boeing 16.45 DISCOURS DE CLÔTURE 17.00 CONCLUSION DU PRESIDENT DE SEANCE

The Future of Aerospace | Bulletin d’inscription 9 avril 2015, Cercle de l’Union Interalliée,Paris THE CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD IN ENGLISH OUI, veuillez m’inscrire et/ou mes collaborateurs 5 manières faciles Si vous souhaitez vous inscrire à plusieurs, merci de photocopier ce pour vous inscrire bulletin d’inscription A. Coordonnées du participant : 1 En ligne Inscrivez-vous sur notre site Nom : Prénom : Fonction : 2 E-mail Tél : Fax : Envoyez le bulletin ci-contre à E-mail : l’adresse : [email protected] B. Dossier d’inscription suivi par : 3 Fax Nom : Prénom : Complétez le bulletin ci-contre et Fonction : faxez-le au +33 (0)1 40 06 95 26 Tél : Fax : 4 Téléphone E-mail : Appelez au +33 (0)1 43 12 85 55 C. Informations sur la société pour réserver votre place et envoyez ce bulletin pour confirmer Société : votre inscription Adresse : 5 Courrier Code Postal : Ville : Envoyez le bulletin dûment N° TVA intracommunautaire (obligatoire) : rempli accompagné de votre Adresse de facturation (si différente) : paiement à : Dii agency - The Economist Events D. Tarifs 164 bd Haussmann 75008 Paris - FRANCE Prix standard : 1095E HT / 1314E TTC par personne Pour tout règlement avant le 06/02/15, économisez 200€ HT, Important : Les frais d’inscription doivent soit un tarif spécial de 895E HT / 1074E TTC par personne impérativement être réglés en intégralité Pour tout règlement avant le 20/03/15, économisez 100€ HT, avant l’événement soit un tarif spécial de 995E HT / 1194E TTC par personne Tarif de groupe : à partir de 2 personnes contactez-nous au Conditions d’annulation + 33 (0)1 43 12 85 55 et de remplacement. E. Règlement Toute annulation doit nous être communiquée par écrit. Pour toute annulation 30 à 15 jours avant le séminaire les frais seront (les frais d’inscription doivent impérativement être réglés avant la de 305 E HT. Pour toute annulation à moins de 15 jours, les frais manifestation) de participation seront dus en totalité. Ceci est aussi valable Par chèque à l’ordre de Development institute international en portant la mention pour les participants ne pouvant rejoindre la manifestation le jour même. Dans ce cas, les actes de la conférence vous seront EAS1504 au dos du chèque Par virement à notre banque : BNP, compte N°30004 00760 00010009271/92 libellé envoyés. Le participant peut se faire remplacer par une autre au nom de Development institute international avec la mention EAS1504 et le nom du personne appartenant à l’entreprise. Merci dans ce cas de nous participant notifier le nom du remplaçant par écrit. Par virement international SWIFT à notre banque : BNP AFRPPPCE, IBAN : FR7630004 Les informations recueillies font l’objet d’un traitement 0076000010009271/92 libellé au nom de Development institute international avec la informatique destiné à valider votre participation et votre mention EAS1504 et le nom du participant inscription à notre événement. Les destinataires des données F. Confirmation sont Development institute international. Conformément à la Je confirme que loi « informatique et libertés » du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée en 2004, vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès et de rectification aux (a) j’ai lu et accepte les conditions de remplacement et d’annulation (voir ci-contre) informations qui vous concernent, que vous pouvez exercer en (b) je suis habilité(e) à signer ce document au nom de l’entreprise désignée ci-dessus vous adressant au Service Clients de Development institute Signature & Cachet de l’Entreprise: Date : international qui gérera le traitement à l’adresse suivante : [email protected]. Vous pouvez également, pour des motifs légitimes, vous opposer au traitement des données vous concernant.

The Future of Aerospace | Registration form April 9th 2015, Cercle de l’Union Interalliée, Paris THE CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD IN ENGLISH Registration is available online at: Five easy ways to register YES, please register me and/or my colleagues 1 Online (Photocopy this form to register additional delegates) Register online at A. Delegate details 2 Mail First name: Surname: Email your details to : Job title: [email protected] Telephone: Fax: 3 E-mail : Fax Complete the enclosed registration B. Registration to be followed up by: form and fax to : +33 (0)1 40 06 95 26 First name: Surname: 4 Téléphone Job title: Call +33 (0)1 43 12 85 55 and Telephone: Fax: return the enclosed registration E-mail : form to confirm 5 Post C. Company details Send the completed form with Company: your payment to : Address: Dii agency - The Economist Events Postal code: Town/city: 164 bd Haussmann 75008 Paris - FRANCE Country: Note : delegate fee(s) must be in full Billing address: prior to the event VAT Number (applicable to EU residents only): Cancellation and substitution policy. If you are unable to attend the conference for any D. Pricing details reason, you may make substitutions at no extra charge Standard price: 1095e/1314e all taxes included but we would appreciate prior notice. If you wish to cancel your booking we require prior written notice. If 200e discount for any payment before 06/02/2015 you cancel 30-15 days prior to the conference an admi- 895e/1074e all taxes included nistration fee of 305€ will be payable. If your cancella- tion notice is NOT received at least 15 days prior to the 100e discount for any payment before 20/03/2015 day of the conference, you will be liable for payment of 995e/1194e all taxes included the full fee and will not be entitled to any refund (this Group prices: For more than two people, contact us at +33 (0) 1 43 12 85 55 applies as well to delegates unable to attend the day of the event). Conference papers will be sent to delegates unable to attend. Delegates based in the EU subject to E. Payement details VAT of 20% on registration and documentation fees. Cheque - made payable to Development institute international, mentioning EAS1504 on the back of the cheque Bank transfer: BNP, Account Number: 30004 00760 00010009271/92. Please Company stamp: quote Development institute international, reference EAS1504 and the name of the delegate SWIFT bank transfer - BNP AFRPPPCE, Account name: Development Institute International : IBAN Number:FR7630004 0076000010009271/92 Please quote reference EAS1504 and the name of the delegate Date : I confirm that (a) I have read and accepted the terms and conditions of remplacements and cancellation (b) I am entitled to sign this document in the name and on behalf of the above company An Economist Group business